- List Eva WOD Heavy Pull -
Cindy = 5 pull ups/ 10 push ups/15 air squats DT=12 deadlifts/ 9 hangpower cleans / 6 push jerks
- List - Claudia - Lights Season 3 Farewell Session -
Heute zum Abschluss unserer dritten Workout-Runde auf besonderen Wunsch ein Hero Workout: The Seven
- List / Claudi for Micha / Medium HpH -
Morning Class Light: Toes to Bar Progression 5 RFT
- List Susi Long Mono -
E3MOM for 36 min (4 rounds) 30/35 cal Ski Erg 25 burpee to target 30/36cal Echo bike
- List Susi Medium hiphinge -
AMRAP 15 min in team of 2, you go, I go:switch as needed 20 t2b 20 oh walking lunges 20 wall balls 20 weighted box step ups
- List, Claudia B., EmJay‘s Light No 1 -
YGIG, 16 rounds of: 20 air squats 10 box jumps 5 shoulder to overhead max load Well done!
- List, Claudia B., EmJay‘s Special „7“, -
„The Seven“ — 7 rounds for time: 7 (handstand) pushups 7 thrusters 7 knees to elbow 7 deadlifts 7 burpees 7 KB swings 7 pullups
- List, EmJay‘s Light 1, Claudia B. -
Light no 1, YGIG, teams of two 16 rounds of: 20 air squats, 10 box jumps, 5 shoulder to overhead
- List, EmJay‘s Light 5, Claudia B -
Three rounds of 120/90 cal echo bike and 120/90/60 bench press Well done, ihr Heldinnen und Helden!
- List Eva WOD Long Pull -
DT=12DL/9Hangpowerclean/6push Yerks Cindy=5pullups/10pushups/15airsquats
- List Susi Medium Squat -
E4MOM 4 on/2 off 2x KB-complex (right+left arm 4 reps: snatch, frontsquat, push press) 12/15 CAL row/Ski Erg max. Squat clean
- Süd - Felix - Light #7 -
- List Susi heavy Mono -
AMRAP 15 min 5 burpee Pullups/burpee to target *add every round 5 burpee Pullups 250m/300m row/Skierg Directly into 1 RM thruster in 5 Min
- List Susi for Fabi light #4 with barbell -
- List Susi long vertikal press -
AMRAP 20 min 10 vertikal press 10 backsquats 400 m row/Skierg/echo (0, 52 miles)
- List Susi heavy vertikal press -
EMOM 10 min Built up to a heavy 1 clean & jerk 4 rounds 10 box jump over 10 clean & jerk 10 BF-Situps
- Dienstag 28.02.2022 HYROX prep by Patrick SÜD -
The World Series of Fitness Racing
- Montag 27.02.2023 WOD by Patrick SÜD -
- List Susi Medium Squat -
For 3 cycles, 2 min rest between AMRAP 4 min 7/10 cal echo bike/10/13 cal row 10 OH squat
- Süd - Alina - WOD Medium Pull -
rower - pull-ups - low barbell row - goblet squats
- Dienstag 21.02.2022 HYROX prep by Patrick SÜD -
The World Series of Fitness Racing
- List Susi Long Mono -
In teams of 2 3 rounds of 3 min, rest 1 between 15/20 cal machine cal. 10 synchron burpees Max reps weighted box step ups 2 min rest 3 rounds of 3 min, rest 1 min between 15/20 cal. machine cal. 10 Synchron frontsquat Max reps DU/SU x4
- Montag 20.02.2023 WOD by Patrick SÜD -
- List / René / Emjay's-Preopening-Class / CFG Open 23.1 -
c2row, t2b, wall-ball-shots, clean, ...
- Südstadt - Felix - Special -
- 2.2.23 Süd / WOD Long / Squat / Christian -
- Dienstag 07.02.2023 HYROX prep by Patrick SÜD -
The World Series of Fitness Racing
- Montag 06.02.2023 WOD by Patrick SÜD -
- Südstadt - Felix - Light #special -
- Südstadt - Felix - Light #9 -
- Südstadt - Felix - Light #4 -
- Dienstag 24.01.2023 HYROX prep by Patrick SÜD -
The World Series of Fitness Racing
- Montag 23.01.2023 WOD by Patrick SÜD -
- List Susi heavy Mono -
Built to a heavy 5 rep max in 12 min with your teampartner, P1: lift; P2:rest E2MOM for 6 round 10 thruster 30/45 Set 1: 8/10cal row Set 2: 10/12 cal row Set 3: 12/14cal row Set 4: 14/16 cal row Set 5: 16/18 cal row Set 6: max. Row all out ??
- Süd / 19.1.23 / WOD Vertical -
- Süd / 19.1.23 / WOD short/ vertical press / Christian -
- EmJay‘s Light #1 -
WOD 5 rounds - 4mins work and 2mins rest: 20 butterfly sit ups, 15 Burpee box jump over, row the remaining time
- Cindy -
AMRAP 20 minutes: five pull ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats War geil! Eine Runde mehr als letztes Mal :)
- Südstadt - Felix - Light 8 -
- List - Claudia - Light #8 -
EmJays Light #8 You Go I Go / split anyhow / 5 rounds for time: > 50 cal row > 40 box jump over > 30 knee raises CAP 30mins, GOAL 24 mins
- Dienstag 17.01.2023 HYROX prep by Patrick SÜD -
The World Series of Fitness Racing
- Montag 16.01.2023 WOD by Patrick SÜD -
- List Susi Medium hiphinge -
5x3 min AMRAP 2 min rest between 10 wallballs 8 oh squats 6 T2B
- Süd / 12.1.23 / 19:30 WOD Medium hip hinge - Christian -
- List, WoD Light 4, Lara, 19:30 -
AMRAP / YGIG 9 barfacing Burpees 3 Deadlift TC 22
- Süd - Alina - WOD Medium Hip Hinge -
Romanian Deadlift (heavy double in 15) 15 min AMRAP: - 14 cal row - 20 Kettlebell swings - 10/ side Overhead press - 10/ side KB rows
- List Marco Light#3 -
Workout #3 For Time: 50-40-30-20-10 Cal Row Wall Balls Variante:Team of two: schnellstes Team 13min